Survey Features



Drag & drop editor

Use our premade building blocks to structure your survey.

Edit inline

Edit your surveys by adding your text and graphics in real time directly within the editable content of your building blocks. Swiftly amend any typos or mistakes! 

Save emails

Choose to save the user's email address for later use.


Include images as the background of your survey and to illustrate questions.

Unlimited survey and forms

No questions limit, gather all informations possible.

Live Sessions

The host manages the pace of the session, and participants can see the results and ranking live.

Centralize & analyze

Smooth database synchronisation

All information provided from the surveys is automatically assigned to the matching entry in your fully integrated database.

No data loss

Results are saved and readily available.

Direct access to your database

Access your database from the survey tool and share your polls in no time for fast response gathering.

Merged database

Automated database import, export and matching.

Real time analysis

Use the Analyze feature to get real time results and charts.

Fully integrated with other apps

Seamless integration with Odoo CRM.